Technology World

WhatsApp’s new feature to allow users to join ongoing group call

An upcoming feature will let users join an ongoing group call with the “Join Missed call” feature. It will give users the ability to join a missed group call video midway. Currently, a user cannot join an ongoing group call unless someone calls them again to let them enter a WhatsApp call.

The Facebook-owned messaging app is also working on bringing the biometric authentication feature on its Android app. The two features were spotted in WhatsApp beta for Android update

A future WhatsApp update could soon let users open the app after a biometric authentication using their face id and fingerprint. Currently, on Android, only a “Fingerprint lock” feature is available as a biometric lock. The company is working on introducing face unlock as an alternative feature and rename the setting to Biometric Lock. WhatsApp already supports Face ID and Touch ID unlocking on iOS devices.

The two features are currently under development and will be available in a future build.

Recently, messaging app had rolled out a ‘mute forever’ option which allowed chats to be muted for ‘forever’.