
In the season of job-loss, this Chandigarh-based duo is a ray of hope for the jobless

At a time when many people were rendered jobless due to the Covid lockdown, two young entrepreneurs from Chandigarh paved a unique path for these skilled but unemployed people.

Chandigarh-based Shrey Jain (founder) and Vishal Chhabra (cofounder) successfully provided employment opportunities to more than 100 jobless people with the help of their 4-month-old firm ‘PassMyTask’.

Vishal Chhabra
Vishal Chhabra
Shrey Jain

The story behind PassMyTask

Talking about the reason behind the firm, Shrey Jain said, “It started with a random email of a jobless person who had sent his resume on my mail id. At first I was not even going to open it, but by chance I did and saw a text that read:

It has been a month since I lost my job due to the Covid-19 situation. I apply for multiple jobs each day but end up with disappointment. The situation is getting worse and I am losing hope.”

“It really hit me for a moment as the person who had sent me the mail had an experience of 13 years! This had me thinking how hard it must be for those who were struggling and I don’t know what came over me, but I called that person to tell that I would help him find something,” he said.

“I checked out different freelancing sites and noticed something. These sites do connect the right person with the client, but they don’t realise the sense of urgency of the person who is applying for the job. This had me wondering that there would be so many people who would be desperately searching for any one job opportunity,” he said.

‘Skilled, educated but unemployed. Not jobless’

“Calling these people ‘jobless’ did not seem right. They are skilled and educated, but unemployed. And I feel that this should be a phrase as they are in that state due to the unforeseen situation that arose out of the pandemic. Moreover, calling them ‘jobless’ is demotivating,” added Jain.

Co-founder Vishal Chhabra said, “PassMyTask is an outcome of Covid-19 and a problem faced by the entire world – unemployment. Here, we take your tasks and pass them on to unemployed-skilled people. It was strenuous to reach the right ‘audience’ but it was the need of the hour. Hence, we made every possible effort. We provide a variety of services such as web development, app development, game development, digital marketing, graphic designing, data entry, fitness and lifestyle, legal, content writing and much more.”

“We have helped more than 100 of those who reached out to us. We often get in touch with them to hear about their experiences, and thankfully we haven’t received any complaints. We hear all nice things and that gives us a relief. We also donate a part of our margin to those who are unskilled and help them in becoming skilled,” he added.

Future plans

“At the present, we’re working on getting better and making the process more convenient. We’ve started developing the website to make it more user friendly so that it can connect the skilled-unemployed person with an employer directly. We’re also expanding our team with resourceful people and trying to get the best outcomes,” said Chhabra.

You can visit their profile and contact them here: