
PGIMER Celebrates 61st Foundation Day, Emphasizes Service and Dedication

The Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) in Chandigarh marked its 61st Foundation Day on Monday. The event, held at the Bhargava auditorium, saw the participation of prominent figures from the institute’s past and present.

Lt. Gen. Daljit Singh, Chief Guest and PGIMER Alumnus

Lt. Gen. Daljit Singh, Director General of Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS) and a proud alumnus of PGIMER, served as the Chief Guest. He stressed the importance of national service and upholding the institute’s legacy. He urged medical professionals to prioritize dedication and selflessness in serving patients, going beyond their technical expertise.

Lt. Gen. Singh also emphasized the institute’s founders’ emphasis on discipline, which upholds an excellence-oriented culture. He exhorted the inhabitants to pursue greatness in their lives as well as inside PGIMER’s walls.

PGIMER Director Dr. Vivek Lal Addresses the Gathering

Dr. Vivek Lal, PGIMER Director, spoke about the institute’s evolution. He lauded the visionary leadership of the founders, emphasizing the transformation from a small institute to a beacon of medical knowledge. He expressed immense pride in being part of “PGIMER,” which he described as a spirit, a lineage, and a calling to serve humanity.

Dr Lal further commended the dedication of all PGIMER staff, acknowledging their contributions to keeping the institute running smoothly. He highlighted the importance of work as worship, a core value driving PGIMER’s success.

A Celebration of Legacy and Continued Service

Former directors, deans, department heads, faculty, residents, nurses, and other PGIMER community members were present during the ceremony. It provided a stage for honouring the institute’s illustrious past and highlighting its steadfast dedication to providing top-notch medical treatment and instruction.