
Panjab University releases SOPs for research scholars

Panjab University (PU) on Friday released standard operating procedures (SOP) for the research scholars attending the labs on the campus. It says that if any researcher is found to be breaking the rules, then their visit to the laboratory will be banned.

Panjab University guidelines are:

  1. Researchers will have to provide consent of self and their parents that they have no objection to attend labs.
  2. Only registered PhD students from science department, who have completed three years and have experimental/lab work will be allowed.
  3. Scholars from humanities who are towards completion of their PhD thesis will be allowed with consent of supervisor.
  4. All researchers will be required to wear masks. To clean hands, a sanitizer will be kept in the labs and there will be a complete ban on spitting.
  5. Thermal scanning of the researchers will be done at the time of entering the department. Only healthy people with no symptoms of corona will get admission in the laboratory.
  6. The entry and exit information of people coming into the department and the temperature register should be maintained.
  7. In case of any disease, the researcher will inform his Head of Department and Research Supervisor.
  8. All laboratories, central musical facilities and departments libraries will be open from 9am to 5pm on working days.
  9. There will be a ban on running AC.
  10. Sharing of pens, books, mobile, etc, will not be allowed.
  11. Four square meter area has been earmarked for a research scholar to work. Apart from that, a research scholar will be allotted space according to the lab and rooms.

All equipments shall be sanitised before and after use.