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Mother and Baby Lost after C-section performed under Flashlight.

Mumbai mourns the loss of a young mother and her newborn baby after a C-section delivery performed under extraordinary circumstances, 26-year-old Saheedunnissa Ansari reportedly underwent emergency surgery at Sion Hospital due to a power outage.

News reports allege that Ms. Ansari was initially taken to a maternity home, but concerns arose regarding the availability of proper equipment. She was then transferred to Sion Hospital, where doctors performed the C-section using mobile phone flashlights.

The heartbreaking outcome saw the delivery of a stillborn baby boy, weighing around 4 kilograms. Despite medical intervention, Ms. Ansari tragically passed away just hours later. The news sen shockwaves through the community, igniting a firestorm of questions and anger.

This incident has sparked outrage and grief within the community. Family members of Ms. Ansari have reportedly staged protests outside the hospital, questioning the lack of essential resources and quality of care provided.

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The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has responded swiftly, forming a ten-member committee to investigate the case. This committee, which includes doctor from the state-run JJ Hospital, is tasked with thoroughly investigating the case. The committee’s mandate is to uncover the events that unfolded and determine if any instance of medical negligence contributed to the tragedy.

The loss of a young mother and her child is devastating blow that leaves a gaping hole in the lives of those who loved them. This incident starkly exposes the critical need for well-equipped healthcare facilities throughout the city. It also underscores the importance of uninterrupted power supply in medical settings where lives hang in the balance. As the investigation progresses, the hope is to not only find answers but also implement measures to prevent similar tragedies from casting such a long shadow over Mumbai in future