
Lawyer petitions Supreme Court for Covishield Victims Compensation

In a move that could have significant implications for India’s vaccination program, lawyer Vishal Tiwari has filed a petition with the Supreme Court. The petition seeks a multi-pronged approach: the formation of a medical expert panel to examine the side effects and risks associated with the Covishiled vaccine, as well as compensation for those who suffered severe disabilities or death allegedly linked to the vaccination.

This development comes on the heels of recent reports acknowledging rare but serious side effects associated with the AstraZeneca vaccine, Covishield being its India-manufactured version produced by the Serum Institute of India. AstraZeneca, in legal documents submitted to a UK court in February 2024, reportedly admitted the possibility of blood clots and a low platelet count in “very rare” cases following vaccination with their AZD1222 vaccine, the international version of Covishield.

Advocate Tiwari’s petition cites these reports, arguing that the potential for such adverse effects necessitates a thorough examination by a team of medical experts. The petitions emphasized the need to understand the risk factors and establish a clear cause-and-effect relationship between the vaccine and any severe side effects reported. This information, the petition argues, is crucial for ensuring informed consent and potentially improving the safety profile of the vaccination program.

The petition further seeks compensation mechanisms for those who have suffered severe disabilities or deaths allegedly due to the Covishield vaccine. India, like many other countries, has a system for reporting adverse events following vaccination (AEFI). However, the petition argues that the current system may not be adequate for addressing claims of severe side effects. The petitioner proposes a more streamlined process for awarding compensation to those who can demonstrably prove a causal link between the vaccine and their suffering.

The Supreme Court has not responded to the petition yet. The development is likely to be closely watched by public health experts, the pharmaceutical industry, and the millions of Indians who have received the Covishield vaccine.