
First ever Socio-Medical Vaccination Camp for the Transgender Persons Held at Bal Bhawan

Transgender Welfare Board constituted under the Chairmanship of Chairman, Transgender Welfare Board-cum-Additional Deputy Commissioner organized a First ever Socio-Medical Vaccination Camp for the Transgender Persons today at Bal Bhawan, Sec-23.

The camp was organised in collaboration with the Department of Health, Social Welfare, Election, Office of Deputy Commissioner, Food & Supplies and Consumer Affairs & Legal Metrology, UIDAI, District Legal Service Authority, POSHAN Abhiyan and Jan Shikshan Sansthan. The camp was dedicated to mainstream the Transgender Persons by providing them with a common platform wherein they could avail various Socio-Medical benefits. 

Nitika Pawar, Secretary Social Welfare inaugurated the camp and launched a Helpline for Transgender Persons in the presence of Chairman, Transgender Welfare Board-cum-Additional Deputy Commissioner, Director Social Welfare, Sub-Divisional Magistrate (Central), Dhananjay  Chauhan (Non-Official Member, TWB), Kajal Mangal Mukhi (Non-Official Member, TWB), Shipra, Councilor (Municipal Corporation) and other Senior Officials of Chandigarh Administration.

The initiative undertaken by the Board aimed to extend Helpline Services to Transgender Persons of Chandigarh in accordance to the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act 2019 for ensuring redressal of their issues. 

The camp was attended by approximately 60 Transgender Persons wherein facilities of COVID Vaccination, General Health Check-up, processing and submission of application for Aadhaar Card, Voter Card, Ration Card, Transgender Identity Card, Vocational and Legal Guidance were availed by them. 21 Transgender Persons were vaccinated and 52 applications were submitted for Voter Card, Aadhaar Card, Transgender Identity Card and Ration Card. Further, approximately 60 POSHAN Kits prepared by the POSHAN Abhiyaan, Department of Social Welfare, were also distributed amongst Transgender Persons by Nitika Pawar, IAS, Secretary Social Welfare.

In order to support Transgender Rights a Signature Campaign was also carried out wherein the Secretary Social Welfare, Director Social Welfare alongwith other Senior Officials exhibited their support towards Transgender Community by signing the campaign.