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After Twitter, Facebook and Instagram block Trump after mob storms Capitol Hill

Social media giants Twitter, Facebook and Instagram on Wednesday blocked US President Donald Trump from posting on their platforms as rioters attacked the US Capitol and violent protests broke out in Washington DC.

Facebook and Instagram said Trump won’t be able to post for 24 hours. Facebook also removed posts, including a video that Trump posted on the platform in support of the mob descending on the US Capitol.

“This is an emergency situation and we are taking appropriate emergency measures, including removing President Trump’s video. We removed it because on balance we believe it contributes to rather than diminishes the risk of ongoing violence,” said Guy Rosen, Facebook vice-president of integrity.

Facebook also removed a text by Trump asking his supporters to “remember this day forever!”

Twitter has restricted Trump on its platform, locking his account for 12 hours after removing three tweets that the company said were “severe violations” of its policies.


Twitter and Facebook have labelled several of Trump’s tweets in the past but this is the first time that they have gone ahead and removed his tweets and posts.

“Our public interest policy — which has guided our enforcement action in this area for years — ends where we believe the risk of harm is higher and/or more severe,” said Twitter.

A chaotic and violent scene erupted at the Capitol on Wednesday as supporters of Trump swarmed the building to protest the Electoral College vote, forcing a lockdown and various confrontations with police. One woman protester died at the Capitol after being shot.

White House Deputy Press Secretary resigns

The White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Matthews resigned from her post over the violence on Capitol Hill. She disapproved of the violent protest by Pro-Trump supporters, while the Congress members were in the process of certifying Joe Biden’s victory in the US Presidential elections. “I was honoured to serve in the Trump administration and proud of the policies we enacted. As someone who worked in the halls of Congress, I was deeply disturbed by what I saw today. I’ll be stepping down from my role, effective immediately. Our nation needs a peaceful transfer of power,” she said.

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