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Yoga asanas and breathing techniques for post-Covid recovery

As Covid-19 affects the physical, respiratory and mental health of an individual, Yoga can play a significant role in post-Covid recovery. Yoga asanas and breath work techniques help pump more oxygen and energy to your system, which assists in immunity-building.

Yoga asanas, when done in routine practice, can work as boosters, which help you build immunity and also in developing antibodies after the vaccine. You must listen to your body calls, as each body type is unique, some may signal fatigue, fever, a local muscle ache or a mild pain at the injection site. You can modify the intensity of your below practices based on how your body responds to the vaccine.

Here are some asanas you can try:

1. Shishuasana (Child pose)

Shishuasana is a common yoga pose, especially for beginners. It is an excellent pose to decongest the chest and relax the mind. For this:

-Sit in vajrasana on your heels, keeping your spine erect and inhale deeply.

-On an exhale bend forward and rest your chest on the thighs and head on the floor.

-Place your arms on the side of your heels, palms facing up.

-Hold this posture for 10 seconds and relax your body.

-Inhale, slowly come up and sit on your heels.

2. Matsyasana (fish pose)

This posture encourages deep breathing and boosts the body’s energy level. It also clears the nasal pathways and soothes congestion, which is beneficial for recovery from Covid-19.

-Sit in Padmasana, lie on the back with the support of elbows.

-Inhale and elevate your chest.

-Bend the neck back and place the head on the mat.

-Hold your big toes and bring the elbows down.

-Breathe normally and stay in this posture for a minute.

-While exhaling, release the above posture.

3. Santolanasana / Plank Pose

Planks are a great way to channelize energies as you need to align your entire body in one straight line from head to toe. It uses your arm strength and impacts directly on your abdomen area.

-Align your wrists to your shoulders and use your strength to push the floor away.
-Engage your legs by raising your knees up and off the floor, as you stay onto your toes.
-Make sure you don’t allow your spine to arch towards your mat.

4. Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)
Bhujangasana, or the Cobra pose is a reclining-back bending Yoga asana that helps relieve stress and fatigue. It also helps open the heart and lungs.
Lie down on your stomach with both toes and forehead resting on the floor.
Make sure your toes and heels are touching each other or parallel to the ground.
Place your hands (palms downwards) under your shoulders, keeping your elbows parallel to each other.
Inhale deeply and slowly lift your upper body while keeping your navel on the floor.
Hold the pose for 10 seconds.
Exhale and bring your torso and head back on the floor. Repeat the asana

5. Pranayama

Prana is the life force in our body. Pranayama is the practice of enhancing the life force in the body. Increased prana in the body can aid in the treatment and even prevention of various ailments. It can be boosted by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, eating vegetarian meals, getting enough rest, and, most importantly, pranayama.

Pranayamas help us to build immunity, reduce stress levels and combat the onset of chronic lifestyle diseases if practised consistently.

6. Prapadasana / Tip-toe Squat Pose

Practice of this asana incredibly strengthens your sense of balance and calm. It utilizes the complete range of motion in your entire lower body from pelvis to knees to your ankles, keeps your legs supple and strong both. Practitioners with knee issues, need to avoid this posture.

-Rest your arms in extended position, placed on your knees.

-Breathe gently – both inhale and exhale. Create a good balance here.

-Keep your back straight, create a good balance and hold the posture – just be there.

-Try to pull your heels up and off the ground, full body pressure on your toes.

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