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Worst date ever? Online matchup leads to 65,000 text messages and a stalking charge

In today’s “what not to do”, an easy tip: do not go on a date with someone and then bombard them with tens of thousands of text messages afterwards.

This handy tip was not that easy for 31-year-old Jacqueline Ades to follow.

The Arizona woman went on a date with a man she met online, then allegedly sent him more than 65,000 text messages, many with bizarre threats.

Ades was arrested on May 8 and charged with threatening, stalking, harassment and failure to appear in court.

She justified her actions in an interview with CBS this week.

“I felt like I met my soul mate and I thought we would just do what everybody else did and we would get married and everything would be fine,” said Ades, who met the men on Luxy, an online dating service for millionaires.

She said she send that many texts because “loving him selflessly brought me his information”.

However, many of the texts aren’t so “selfless”. Some include threats and anti-Semitic insults.

According to police, a sample of Ades’ text messages sent to her date include: “I hope you die … you rotten filthy Jew” and “oh, what I would do w/your blood … I’d wanna bathe in it”.

Authorities say she has sent about 500 text messages a day some days, since the date happened late last year.

The texts have also been increasing in frequency as of last month.

Adding to those, Ades also showed up to the man’s workplace on one occasion, pretending to be his wife. Last month, she allegedly broke into his home and took a bath in his tub.

She has admitted that the number of texts seems excessive and added: “Love is an excessive thing”.

Ades is due in court on May 15.