
With Pakistan Army bluntly asking PM Khan to put in his papers after the OIC conference, the Opposition leaders have also stepped the tempo and have threatened to disrupt the entire Assembly proceedings if the motion is not taken up due to political wranglings on behalf of Khan?

Political turmoil in Pakistan is heading towards a crescendo with united opposition expected to submit a no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan to the Speaker of the National Assembly tomorrow. The opposition has also warned that in case the Speaker refuses to accept or delay the motion, the leaders would stage a sit-in protest at the Assembly secretariat, which is also the venue of the OIC foreign ministers’ conference on March 22-23. The no-confidence vote is expected to be taken up on March 28 if the motion is admitted by Speaker on Monday.

According to reports reaching Delhi, the Pakistan Army is united in its assessment that Khan must step down as continuous political turmoil was not in the interest of Pakistan, which already reeling in a serious economic crisis. The Army is also upset with PM Khan for taking unnecessary pot-shots against the US and the EU on the Ukraine crisis and apparently for ignoring him and Pakistan despite Islamabad’s support to the west in Afghanistan.With Pakistan Army bluntly asking PM Khan to put in his papers after the OIC conference, the Opposition leaders have also stepped the tempo and have threatened to disrupt the entire Assembly proceedings if the motion is not taken up due to political wranglings on behalf of Khan.