
UT Adviser visits Mini Covid Care Centres in Chandigarh

For inspecting health facilities to assess COVID preparedness Dharampal, Adviser to Administrator U, visited Mini COVID Care Centres.

The Adviser visited Bal Bhawan in Sector-23B, Chandigarh being operated by Sri Guru Granth Sahib Sewa Society- Tera hi Tera and Indira Holiday Home, Sector-24, Chandigarh, being operated by Competent Foundation and Bharat Vikas Parishad.

During the visit, the Adviser interacted with the office-bearers of both the 0rganisation and appreciated their noble cause. He requested them to maintain proper cleanliness and hygiene and to provide professional services as were provided by them during the second wave. Shri Dharampal, Adviser also inspected the vaccination centre in GMSH-16 and in view of the rush directed to increase the vaccination teams.

He also reviewed status of preparedness for the COVID vaccination which will start from 3rd January 2022. The Adviser also inspected the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in GMSH-16 and asked the doctors to ensure that all the ventilators are functional and there is no issue in case of rush of patients. Shri Yashpal Garg, Secretary Health, Dr. Suman Singh, DHS and Dr. V.K. Nagpal, Medical Superintendent were present during the inspections of the health facilities.