
UT Adviser reviews Covid patients management and vaccination drive

The present status of COVID patients and COVID Vaccination was reviewed by Dharampal, Adviser to Administrator today.

Yashpal Garg, Secretary Health informed:

Presently about 125 active positive cases and most of them are in home isolation being asymptomatic. Weekly positivity rate in the UT Chandigarh is about 1.2%

There is a sudden increase in the daily number of COVID vaccination. Previously about 3500 daily vaccinations were being done which has now crossed more than 10,000 per day. First dose has been given to about 115% while second dose to about 87 % of the targeted population. If current pace of vaccination continues for next few more days then the UT may achieve the target of 100% second dose vaccination within one week. 05 more vaccination teams have been added from today and efforts are being made to add 20 more vaccination teams from tomorrow.

All arrangements are in place for vaccination of children w.e.f. 3rd January 2022. Sufficient vaccines have been received and there is not issue with regard to availability and supply of vaccines.

One Mini COVID Care is functional at Bal Bhawan in Sector-23B and presently no patient is admitted there.

Buffer stock of emergency medicines have already been procured and the medical oxygen availability is also sufficient. 

  • After detailed deliberations, the following decisions were taken: Regarding admission of COIVID patients in Health Facilities: 
  • All asymptomatic COVID positive patients to be allowed in home quarantine as a first option.
  • In case isolation facility (separate room with washroom) is not available at the home of the asymptomatic COVID positive patients then he/she should be admitted in institutional quarantine facility like Mini COVID Care Centre etc. [One Mini COVID Care Centre is functional at Bal Bhwan, Sector-23B while other will start functioning from 03.01.2022 at Indira Holiday Home, Sector-24, Chandigarh.
  • In case of need, we may have more such facilities at different locations in the City]  
  • Only those COVID positive patients to be admitted in the Hospital Facility where the concerned Doctor has advised for medical reasons like need for constant medical care with or without Oxygen/Ventilator support etc. 
  • Mini COVID Care Centre at Indira Holiday Home, Sector-24 Chandigarh to be made functional from next week. The Adviser directed that the present pace of CVOID vaccination to be marinated and the UT should be fully vaccinated (with second dose) within one week.  He further directed that mask-bearing, social distancing and restrictions on non-fully vaccinated persons to be strictly enforced by all the concerned agencies.