
UT Administration invites applications for setting up of Covid Care Centres

As the COVID infection is spreading in the City with an alarming speed, the UT Administration has now given a clarion call for setting up Mini COVID Centers in the City voluntarily by the interested organization/associations.   

The interested organization/associations. Any Individual, Association, Voluntary Organization, NGO, Religious Organization, Corporate, Firm or Trust may come forward for setting up a Mini COVID Care Centre for asymptomatic COVID positive patients. Stay, food, medicines and every other facility in the Mini COVID Care Centre will be free. Preferably the patients of nearby areas will be catered.

Patients will be discharged after the required isolation/medical as per the prescribed protocol, said an official.

In case their health deteriorates in the Mini COVID Care Centre, they can be shifted to the appropriate hospital subject to availability of beds. Basic Requirements to be arranged by the organizationi. Cots, mattresses and clean linen like pillows and bed-sheets etc.

The capacity of the Centre should not be less than 50 beds. About 80% beds should be Oxygenated and own arrangements for oxygen either through cylinders or through oxygen concentrators.iv. Doctor and Nursing Staff/Patient Care Attendants. Services of retired Doctors and Nurses may also be obtained.

The Nursing Staff/Patient Care Attendants are required round the clock while doctors may be required for about three-four hours and then may be available on call.

Arrangements and round the clock availability of standard medicines which are required for COVID related issues, PPE Kits, Gloves, Mask &sanitizer and first-aid kits Security Guards and Cleaning Staff.

  • Responsible and qualified person to be designated as Manager to run the Care Center.
  • Six fire-extinguishers to setup at each centre.
  • Adequate number of dust bins Support by the Administration to the organisations i. Permission to set-up and operate the Mini-COVID Care Centre. 

The interested organisations can contact Secretary Health on phone 0172-2742176 or meet in his office at CHB in Sector-9D, Chandigarh between 09.30am to 10.00am. Alternatively leave a message with details on e-mail address: