
United States to stop war games with South Korea: Donald Trump

Singapore: Within a few short hours of signing a historic document in which North Korea has committed to denuclearisation in the Korean peninsula, US President Donald Trump announced that he would be bringing an end to war games between his country and South Korea.

Trump and North Korea’s supreme leader Kim Jong-un signed a landmark document on Tuesday which paved the way for establishing peace and good relations between the two countries. The document also laid the foundations of the gloom of a nuclear threat fading away. While both leaders hailed the outcome of their talks, they also underlined the common objective of establishing peace. “Our unprecedented meeting, the first between an American president and a leader of North Korea, proves that real change is indeed possible,” said Trump. “We’re prepared to start a new history, and we’re ready to write a new chapter between our nations.”

Trump also said that the war games with South Korea would be brought to an end. “We will be stopping the war games (with South Korea). We shall save us a tremendous amount of money, a lot of money, unless and until we see that future negotiations (with North Korea) are not going along as they should. I want to get our soldiers out, wanna get our soldiers back home. We have, right now, 32,000 soldiers in South Korea and I would like to be able to bring them back home. But that’s not the part of the equation right now. I hope at some point it will be.”It is learnt that Trump has invited Kim to the White House and the US President even told members of the press that Tuesday’s meeting was the first of many to come. He however did mention that existing sanctions on North Korea will remain for the time being.