
UK variant found in 70% samples sent by PGIMER: Prof Jagat Ram

As many as 70% of the 60 samples sent by Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) for genome sequencing in March to National Centre for Diseases Control (NCDC) turned positive for the UK variant of Covid-19. Among the 60 patients sampled, 45 were from Chandigarh.

Detailing further about the inference, Prof Jagat Ram, Director PGIMER said, “It was found that 70% of the samples had UK variants of COVID-19, one sample was found to have double mutation and 681 H mutant of Covid-19 was observed in 20% of the samples. Majority of the samples were from Chandigarh.”

Sending a note of caution, the director urged, “Considering the high transmission and faster spread of Covid-19 by the UK variant, it is suggested that everyone should follow Covid appropriate behaviour by wearing masks, maintaining social distancing and frequent use of sanitiser/hand washing.”

The PGIMER director further advised to avoid crowded places and non-essential travel.

On the other hand, weekend curfew and closure of gyms, restaurants, cinema halls and malls may be among the new restrictions to be imposed by the UT Administration to curb the rising Covid-19 cases. According to UT Adviser Manoj Parida, “Various measures will be discussed at a meeting scheduled for Friday.”

The odd-even formula for opening of shops is also under consideration. Besides, like last year, only 50 per cent staff may be allowed in offices.

The UT administration on Thursday declared 12 more micro-containment zones in the city, taking their number up to 134.

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