The train travel time between Ludhiana and Jalandhar will come down to 31 minutes as the approval to increase the speed on Sahnewal-Ludhiana to 130 km per hour has been received from the Commission of Railway Safety-CRS.
The trials are on as of now and soon the passenger trains will run at a speed of 130 km per hour between Delhi-Ludhiana. The existing train travel time between Ludhiana-Jalandhar is 53 minutes to 1 hour 20 minutes.

Ferozepur Division DRM Rajesh Aggarwal said that while the passenger trains remain halted during the corona pandemic, the modification work on the busiest tracks continued on a war footing.
Accordingly, to ensure the high speed of trains at 130 km per hour on the Ludhiana-Delhi, the entire track was modified by the end of 2020, apart from the Sahnewal-Ludhiana track, he added.
Senior Divisional Engineer Anurag Kumar informed that presently the alteration work on Ludhiana-Jalandhar track is going on war-footing for laying heavy-duty track, abolishing the cross, signal modification by using T-28 machines and shortly the trains at a speed of 130 km per hour will run on this track while the work on the remaining entire track has been completed while the work on Sutlej River is going on.
In addition, the boundary walls on both side of the tracks are also being constructed to avoid the possibility of any tragedy, said SDE.