
Chandigarh Police to Fine Drivers Halting Roadside to Pick Up Phone Call


It is not only unsafe to talk on the phone while driving but also punishable by law. Soon, talking on the roadside after parking your car can also earn you a challan. The Chandigarh traffic police are planning to slap a fine for this offence from February 1, 2020. According to deputy superintendent of police (DSP, traffic administration), this move is to make drivers realize that when they stop their vehicles to answer calls, they often do not pay attention to the traffic behind them. This not only puts everyone at risk of an accident but also leads to “traffic congestion”, the DSP added.

Initially, there will an awareness drive on three busiest roads of Chandigarh: Dakshin Marg, Madhya Marg and Udyog Path, after which the offenders will be fined. According to the amended Motor Vehicles (MV) Act, the first-time offence will carry a fine of Rs. 500 and subsequent offences will cost Rs. 1,000. From the month of February, police will also issue challans to people for not sticking to the correct lane and for blocking slip roads at intersections, the DSP said.

According to the official, a driver will only be fined if the car is stopped on the main road. To prevent from being fined, a driver can stop on the slip road or on the service lane running parallel to these roads.