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Tissue paper used by Messi during Barcelona farewell for sale at $1M

Lionel Messi bid an emotional goodbye to his former club Barcelona. During his farewell speech, when Messi broke down into tears, his wife Antonella had given the football star a tissue to wipe his tears off.

According to media reports, the used tissue has been priced at $1 million (Rs 7.5 crore) for an auction on Mercado Libre, a popular online bidding platform.

According to Complete Sports, a man, who sat at the front row of the same press conference, managed to scoop up the discarded tissue paper. He put the tissue on sale on the website and said it would be sold if the right price came in.

The person who posted the advertisement said that Messi used the tissue during his press conference while saying goodbye to Barcelona. The person claimed that he attended the press conference and took the tissue after Messi threw it in the bin.

Justifying the hefty price, he said that the discarded tissue “contains Messi’s genetic material” and could be used to “clone” another footballer like him.

Messi has signed a two-year contract with the French club Paris Saint-Germain. The contract has a possibility to be extended beyond the said time period. He also captains the Argentina national team, which recently won the Copa America cup this year. This was the first major cup that the national team won after a dry period spanning 28 years.

“In recent days I have been thinking about what I could say and the truth is that I cant think of anything, This is really difficult for me after so many years. I am not ready with this,” he said during his farewell speech.

“Since I was 13 I am here. I am really grateful for everything. My teammates, the former players, this club, So many beautiful things have happened in this club and have made me the person I am today,” he added.

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