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The UNGA emergency session will be held on Monday.

The decision to take a United States (US)-backed resolution deploring Russian aggression and calling it to withdraw forces from Ukraine to the GA was backed by 11 members, while India — along with China and United Arab Emirates (UAE) — abstained from the vote. Since this was a procedural vote, Russia’s veto was not applicable.

After a deadlock in its last meeting on Friday due to Russia’s veto even as the situation in Ukraine worsens, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Sunday called for a rare emergency special session of the 193 member-strong UN General Assembly (UNGA).

In its explanation of the vote, India maintained its partially critical stance on Russia it had taken in Friday’s UNSC meeting. However, focusing on principles and without naming Russia, India emphasised the importance of a return to the diplomatic path, and flagged the importance of the safety of its nationals and the need to ensure smooth cross-border movement as a humanitarian necessity.

India’s permanent representative to the UN, TS Tirumurti, said it was “regrettable” the situation had taken a turn for the worse since the Council last met. Over the weekend, Russia has continued its military offensive in Ukraine’s biggest cities, while Ukraine’s resistance has intensified.

A humanitarian crisis has emerged with mounting casualties and massive outflow of people from Ukraine — according to UN high commissioner for refugees, 368,000 people have left Ukraine since February 24 as of Sunday, and, according to the Ukrainian government, there have been 352 civilian casualties, including 14 children, and over 1,600 people have been injured.

Russian president Vladimir Putin also ordered the military to put nuclear forces on alert, which the US has called an “unnecessary and escalatory step that threatens us all”; for their part, the US, other G7 countries and the European Union, have imposed unprecedented financial and export control sanctions on Russia.