
Special On International Women’s Day: Time to Change Our Attitude

By Dr. Sandeep Kaur: Bibi Sharan Kaur Khalsa College Sri Chamkaur Sahib

It fills my heart with immense pride whenever I come across the names and stories of women who have  broken the glass ceiling. There is something in their incredible journeys that guides us, inspires us and changes us. But what saddens my heart is the fact that still the world needs proof to acknowledge women’s strengths and their abilities. Many women are still struggling to claim their basic human rights and many are oppressed by the atrocities inflicted upon them. Women’s voices go unheard most of the time and their contribution is considered secondary. They are expected to celebrate their male counterparts and be happy.

Against all the odds,Women empowerment is taking place and women are scaling new heights in all the fields. They are being honoured and celebrated. But women are also being mocked for being ambitious and assertive. So what is needed most is the change in our attitude. We must shift our focus from seeing women as wives, cooks, child bearers and caretakers of the families to accept them as individuals having dreams, capabilities and potential. Why is this necessary? Are we not witnessing women getting higher education and good jobs?  Is it not freedom and empowerment?

Education is mandatory for all but only enrollment and attainment of degrees is not enough. Education opens up new avenues and sometimes it causes metamorphosis of personalities. Our society which is ‘allowing’ girls to get education also wants to control their minds and personalities. It’s not ready to see the caterpillars getting wings and turning into something really incredible. What is more painful is the news of little girls and young women being molested inside or outside the educational institutions. The culprits are teachers, close relatives or people in authoritative positions. And of course the silencing of victims is not a new phenomenon. This attitude needs to change because if one can’t stop seeing them as sex objects how will they work towards their emancipation.

Many women are opting to work nowadays. And again the families ‘allow’ them. But this permission comes with certain conditions. They are supposed to perform all other duties also like cooking, caring etc. Their job is considered hazardous for the family if they fail to perform their gendered duties. Their physical and mental health is neglected. Many times the other women in the family contribute immensely and happily in this oppression. Working women end up feeling more oppressed. On the other hand there are no rules or conditions for their male counterparts. This mindset needs a back seat.

Empowered women often become a victim of workplace tyranny. They are paid less for equal jobs  many times. They are mocked for being social or extroverts. Some institutions also decide dress codes for women. They can’t even choose their attire. Sometimes even expecting mothers are not granted leaves or treated well by their bosses. Sexual abuse at workplace is one of the biggest concerns that threatens even the educated and empowered women. Now the question is: is it so difficult for educated and civilized people  to see women as equals?

In my opinion, it is a herculean task for many to treat women as equal. And this is the main reason for all the crimes against women. And it is a dire need of the time to address these attitudes. We need to wake up and see that by honoring and celebrating a handful of women who dare to push their boundaries our duty is not done. Until we change our attitude towards women, everything is futile. We must act consciously towards creating a world where Women’s bodies are not controlled by men. We must understand that they have the right to make Choices. And this needs to start within families. Gender sensitisation must take place within family members. Children must be raised as equals. The discrimination on the basis of sex, skin color, castes, religion must be addressed.  Each one must act together to deliver this.

Women empowerment is useless unless all the women feel safe. The people and the societies that ‘allow’ must take a step back and confront the reality that ‘allowing’ is not needed because the right to live, right to education, right to work, right to have dignity of labor is a basic fundamental right. Change is attitude is must and this Women’s Day let’s do it.

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