chandigarh transport undertaking

Soon, Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU) buses to have smart recharge cards

On the lines of metro, from late January 2021, Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU) buses will also get the facility of smart recharge cards. Residents will be able to travel on all routes by recharging this card. Trial has been started in some buses on behalf of the Transport Department.

Work is on under the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) to provide these facilities in Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU) buses running on the local route. To emphasise on cashless transactions, the Transport Department is also working on making payments through QR cards.

Even though the administration has implemented the Intelligent Transport System, many things are not operation yet. Few facilities have been provided for more than half of the buses and the remaining will be updated by January. Apart from this, the department is also working on permanent control room.

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