
Six-Year-Old Rescued After Kidnap Attempt in Chandigarh

On Tuesday night, a 6-year-old girl was almost abducted in Chandigarh city, but the kidnapper dropped off the motorcycle while escaping. The event, which emphasizes child protection and civic duty, ended in the suspect’s detention.

The 35-year-old suspect, identified as Rewhart and a resident of Davumajra, was arrested as confirmed by Narinder Patiyal, the Sector 3 police station’s SHO in Chandigarh.

According to Inspector Patiyal, the incident unfolded near Prachin Mandir in Chandigarh. The young girl, a resident of Kaimbwala, was playing with friends when Rohit approached them, attempting to lure them with promises of clothes and sweets. The six-year-old reportedly fell for his ruse and got onto his motorcycle.


However, during his escape attempt near Khuda Ali Sher, Rohit’s plan went awry. His motorbike got entangled in iron wires, causing him to lose control and skid. Both the accused and the girl fell to the ground, with the girl sustaining minor injuries.

As the girl cried for help, the panicked accused reportedly tried to pacify her. Ultimately, unable to handle the situation, he left the girl near Kaimbwala turn and fled.

Her luck held out; she found her way back home and told folks about the incident. Parents together with the temple authorities went through the CCTV from around that place. The footage revealed Rohit the accuses lurking near the temple, seemingly observing children.

Armed with this crucial information, the family alerted the police and other villagers. The police, upon scrutinizing the CCTV footage, were able to identify the accused and locate him at his residence in Dadumajra, where he was reportedly planning to escape.

Inspector Patiyal commended the swift action of the family and the temple authorities, stating, “A major incident has been averted.” The police is currently investigating the possibility of Rohit’s involvement in similar crimes.

This recent incident is a wake-up alarm for parents and caretakers to always be cautious of their children’s environment and let them know some basics about how to stay safe. Furthermore, it underscored the significance of community participation in preserving protection zones for the kids.

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