sikh police

Scotland Yard remembers 1st ever female Sikh police officer, marked the 50th anniversary

Remembering PC Karpal Kaur Sandhu, the first female Asian and Sikh police officer in the UK, Scotland Yard on Monday marked the 50th anniversary of her joining the force and serving from 1971 to 1973.

Police Constable (PC) Sandhu served the Metropolitan Police in London and has been dubbed as a “true pioneer” for police forces across the UK, Scotland Yard.

“PC Karpal Kaur Sandhu was a true pioneer and ahead of her time. I have no doubt that her decision to join the Met Police in 1971 was a brave one and she would have faced considerable challenges along the way,” said Assistant Commissioner Helen Ball.

“As Britain’s and the Met’s first Asian female Sikh Police officer, Karpal paved the way for so many others who have gone into policing since 1971. Fifty years to the day after PC Sandhu joined the Met, I am pleased that we are able to remember her life, her career and the legacy she has left policing,” she said.

The National Sikh Police Association UK joined forces with the Met Police Sikh Association for a special virtual event in memory of PC Sandhu on Monday.

“Today, together with representatives from the Met’s Sikh Association, Met police officers and staff and the wider Sikh community, we remember Karpal’s special contribution to policing, as the UK’s first female Asian and Sikh police officer,” said Ravjeet Gupta, Chair of the Metropolitan Police Sikh Association.

“Karpal was an invaluable ambassador for the Met who helped break down barriers with London’s communities and will always be remembered for being a trailblazer of her time,” said Gupta.

PC Sandhu was born to a Sikh family in Zanzibar, East Africa, in 1943 and came to the UK in 1962, where she got a job as a nurse at Chase Farm Hospital.

She joined the Met in 1971 at the age of 27, where she served at Hornsey police station before moving to Leyton in east London.

“I’m so proud of my mother, and her legacy as the UK’s first female sikh police officer from an Asian and Sikh background. It’s wonderful that 50 years on she is remembered, and is an inspiration to generations of new female police officers joining the Met,” said Romy Sandhu, Karpal Kaur Sandhu’s daughter.

At a time when there would have only been about 700 female officers in the Met, she was both the first female South Asian and female Sikh police officer in the UK.

Writing in a report at the time, her Chief Superintendent said that she was “proving invaluable with our dealings with the immigrant population and she is also assisting other divisions in this work and also in teaching police officers Asian dialects”.

 He added that she was “energetic, intelligent and conscientious” and enjoyed playing hockey and driving.

The Met Police said that PC Sandhu passed away in “tragic circumstances” in November 1973 and sadly, the force lost a promising officer who had a bright future. Sandhu, aged 30, was killed in an altercation with her husband, who was reportedly opposed to her career choice and was later sentenced to life imprisonment for her murder in 1974.

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