
Russian court fines Alphabet’s Google and Meta Platforms

A Moscow court on Friday said it was fining Alphabet’s Google (GOOGL.O) 7.2 billion roubles ($98 million) for what it said was a repeated failure to delete content Russia deems illegal, the first revenue-based fine of its kind in Russia.

Moscow has increased pressure on big tech this year in a campaign that critics characterise as an attempt by the Russian authorities to exert tighter control over the internet, something they say threatens individual and corporate freedom.Google said in an email it would study the court ruling before deciding on further steps.

Google said in an email it would study the court ruling before deciding on further steps.

Later on Friday, the court fined Meta Platforms 2 billion roubles ($27.15 million) on the same grounds. Russia’s communication watchdog Roskomnadzor said that Facebook and Instagram failed to remove two thousand pieces that violate Russian laws whereas Google keeps 2,600 pieces of banned content.Google, which has paid more than 32 million roubles in fines over content violations this year, is at odds with Moscow on a number of issues.Russia has demanded it restore access to state-backed broadcaster RT’s German-language channels.