
Release COVID vaccination incentive: OP Soni

Deputy Chief Minister OP Soni directed Health Officials to immediately release the COVID Vaccination incentive to the ASHA workers as promised to them while roping them into the vaccination process.

“Motivating people in every nook and corner of the State for COVID vaccination, dispelling their doubts about vaccine and ensuring innoculation of the target population is a yeoman’s service rendered by the Health Workers. They are delivering as expected and they must be provided the incentive in lieu of their service, without further delay, ordered DCM OP Soni.”

He was approached by the ASHA Workers and Volunteer Union Punjab in connection with the release of incentive.Earlier in the day, various Employee Unions including NHM Employee Union Punjab, NHM Nurses Association, ASHA Workers and Volunteer Union, Maan Bhatta & Kacha Contract Mulazam Morcha Punjab and Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalia(KGBY)Karamchari Association Punjab met the DCM and put forth their demands.

The demands were mainly about regularization of NHM employees and hike in salary/honorarium taking it at par with that extended by the neighbouring State, Haryana.Deputy Chief Minister lent a sympathetic ear to the demands and promised to have them examined for initiating further action.The representatives of the Unions thanked the DCM for patient hearing and requested for an early action.