
Punjab to reopen schools for classes 3 and 4: Vijay Inder Singla

Punjab school education minister Vijay Inder Singla on Wednesday said that following the demand of parents, the state government has decided to reopen all schools for primary classes from January 27.

He informed that as per the nod given by chief minister Capt Amarinder Singh, students of class 3 and 4 will be allowed to attend school from January 27 and from February 1 onwards, the schools will also be allowed to conduct physical classes for class 1 and 2. He added that timings will remain same from 10am to 3pm and parents will have to provide written consent before sending their wards to school.

Vijay Inder Singla also directed the education department officials and school managements to ensure proper cleaning of premises and classrooms and follow the Covid-19 safety norms strictly as per guidelines of Government of India. He said that detailed guidelines will also be issued soon to all district education officers which will be circulated to all government, aided and private school.

The cabinet minister said that as the schools have already been allowed to conduct classes from class 5 onwards, the district education officers, other officials and teachers have suggested that now the students studying in primary school should also be allowed to come to the schools.

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