
Punjab State Food Commission seeks detailed report on non-release of cooking cost of mid-day meal

Taking cognisance of the news-report published in an English daily wherein it was mentioned that Government School Heads in Muktsar have urged State Education Department officials to release cooking cost for the mid-day meals being served to students from Class I-VIII otherwise they would not be able to continue the serving of mid-day-meals from next week, the Punjab State Food Commission has sought a detailed report from the Secretary School Education Department Punjab and Additional Deputy Commissioner (D)-cum-DGRO, Muktsar.

The Commission  has sought factual verification as to funds for cooking cost have not been released for the last two months in Muktsar or not. If funds have not been released then reasons for the same and the steps taken so far to release the funds have to be furnished. Besides, Department of School Education Punjab has been asked if this problem is specific to Muktsar or exists throughout the State. The Commission has also asked that earlier in the past who paid cooking costs.

The Commission  has sought sought reply positively within a fortnight.