
Punjab govt slashes power tariff for domestic consumers

The Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission has issued the Tariff Orders containing tariff/charges for FY 2021-22 vide its orders on Friday.

For the FY 2021-22, the Commission has determined ARR (after adjusting gap of previous years) of PSPCL as Rs 32,982.49 crore which includes ARR of Rs 1,331.71 crore for PSTCL to be recovered through tariff.

The salient features are:

1. The new power tariff will be applicable from June 1, 2021 to March 31,2022, with the previous year’s tariff being effective up to May 31, 2021.

2. In view of the hardship being faced by the weaker section of society due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the per unit tariff for domestic consumers with load upto 2kW and consumption slabs of 0 to 100 units and 101 to 300 units have been reduced by Rs. 1/-(one) and 50 paise, respectively. For domestic consumers having load between 2kW & up to 7kW and for consumption slabs of 0 to 100 units and 101 to 300 units have been reduced by 75 paise and 50 paise, respectively.

3. The small and medium industrial consumers and NRS consumers have not been burdened with any increase.

4. The Tariff for AP category has been increased marginally by 9 paisa. With this the cross-subsidy of AP category has been reduced from (-) 14.41% to (-) 12.05%.

5. The increase in tariff for large industrial consumers (General and PIU) has been kept at less than 2%.

6. Reduced energy charge for consumption of power exceeding the threshold limit

●        The Commission decides to continue with its policy of encouraging the industry in promoting the productive use of surplus power by offering lower energy rate of Rs. 4.86/kVAh for consumption of power exceeding the threshold limit.

●        Further, “Voltage Rebate” will be in addition to the capped energy charges of Rs. 4.86/kVAh.

7. Special night tariff

●        Special night tariff with 50% Fixed Charges and Energy Charge of Rs. 4.86/kVAh for all (LS/MS/SP) industrial consumers using electricity exclusively during the hours of 10:00 PM to 06:00 AM next day has been continued.

●        On the demand of the industry, the facility for use of electricity by the night category consumers, during the extended 4 hours of 06:00 AM to 10:00 AM at normal tariff, has been extended for the whole year i.e. including during the summer/paddy season of FY 2021-22.

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