
PU Senate Elections: Not more than 25 people to gather for polling

The Panjab University (PU) has completed the preparations for the Senate election to be held on Monday (April 26). For this, PU has issued new guidelines which say that not more than 25 people will be able to gather at one place. PU has also changed the timing of elections in view of Covid-19. Polling for the faculty of law will be held at the chemistry department auditorium from 9am to 11am.

At the same time, the meetings of the faculties of PU will be held online on April 26, prior to the start of physical voting. Each meeting will be held for 15 minutes before polling starts at the respective venues.

Six seats have been earmarked for voting and one member will be elected to the senate from each faculty. The constituency of faculties include the faculty of law, arts, science, languages, medical science and combined faculty.

In addition, PU has also issued Covid guidelines for the candidates and participants. This time, the candidates ran the campaign on social media and asked for votes through the mobile. One candidate said that in view of the pandemic, there is a possibility of low turnout, as some voters are Covid positive.

The Senate elections are being conducted on the intervention of Punjab and Haryana High Court.

The selection of Faculty of Arts faculty will be held from 9.30am to 1.30pm in the auditorium of Evening Studies Department. The election of the Faculty of Languages ​​will be held from 10am to 1pm in the English auditorium. The election of science faculty will be held in the auditorium from 10am to 2.30pm. Medical science faculty elections will be held in the Gymnasium Hall from 11am to 2pm. The election of the combined faculty will be held from 11:30am to 4:30pm. Apart from all senators, professors will also cast their votes in this election.

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