
Issue of privatisation of Power Dept reaches Parliament

The issue of privatisation of power department of the Chandigarh administration has now reached the Parliament, where second phase of budget session is underway. A number of questions have been asked by the Parliament regarding the decision to hand over a profit-making department to a private company.

In the Parliament, the issue of farmers’ protest and privatisation was raised by many MPs. Meanwhile, the Chandigarh administration has received a letter from the Parliament which contains six questions related to the issue of privatisation and revenue. This has left the administration officials in a fix.

According to sources, the letter does not mention which MP has raised the questions. It has been mentioned that before the end of the budget session, the questions have to be answered by the Union Energy Minister. A senior administration official has confirmed about the letter. However, he officially declined to speak about the matter.

The 6 questions are:

1. Is the UT administration passing the Power Department in private hands?

2. Is the department facing losses or profit? Please provide revenue information.

3. Provide information of expenses and earnings in the last three years.

4. Details of aggregate technical and commercial losses should be provided.

5. Information about transmission and distribution losses should be provided.

6. If the department is running in profit, then why is it being privatised?

Seven companies in the race

The seven companies that have submitted bids to buy the electricity division are Adani Transmission Limited, Tata Power, Torrent Power, Sterlite Power, Renew Wind Energy, Eminent Electricity Distribution Limited and NTPC Electric Supply Company Limited.

The bid was submitted by companies on Monday and now the applications will be scrutinised by the evaluation committee. After this, the financial bid will be opened.

Whichever company will be appointed by the government will be responsible for power distribution and retail supply in the city. Earlier, a total of 20 companies had expressed their interest in the tender.

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