Cushing's syndrome

PGIMER develops first imaging modality for detecting Cushing’s syndrome

To diagnose Cushing’s syndrome, a novel imaging modality ‘Ga 68 CRH PET-CT’ has been developed by the Endocrinology Department of Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGI), Chandigarh, in collaboration with Department of Nuclear Medicine. The technique has been developed for the first time in the world and PGIMER has already applied for its patent.

Cushing’s syndrome is a hormonal disorder that results in weight gain with thinning of extremities, hypertension, loss of bone mass, changes in mood like depression, hair loss, striae on abdomen, and bluish patches on skin. 

According to the doctors, till now MRI was used to detect Cushing’s syndrome, but only 60% of the patients benefited from it. But now, with this latest technique, doctors can diagnose this disease with 99% accuracy.

“Doctors from both the departments have worked together and collaborated to develop a novel imaging modality Ga 68 CRH PET-CT for the diagnosis of Cushing’s disease and this innovative technique has been developed for the first time in the world. The effort, which took five long years, is a result of the hard work of the team of doctors, excellent research facilities here at the institute and a will to work for the betterment of patients,” said Professor Sanjay Kumar Bhadada, Head, Department of Endocrinology.

“Cushing’s syndrome is a more dangerous disease than cancer. It gradually eliminates all the organs of the body. The way the sleeper cells of the terrorists work, in the same way, this disease keeps on damaging by hiding inside the body,” he added.

According to Dr Bhadada, “Cushing’s disease is a hormonal disorder associated with overproduction of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone produced to fight stress. Gradually it accumulates in the pituitary gland and causes the disease. It is so small that even MRI does not catch it. But now, it can be detected by the new technique, after which it can be removed by the surgery,” he said.

The doctor said that their team is working on a special medical therapy, which can eliminate diabetes. For this, he is contacting patients. If a patient wants to join the study, she/he can contact on 7087007322 between 6pm and 7pm on Friday and Saturday. To be included in the study, one should be below 65 years, suffer from Type II diabetes for two years and should not take insulin. Also, one should not suffer from any kidney disease.

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