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56,000 people sign petition to stop Jeff Bezos from coming back to Earth

More than 50,000 people have signed online petitions urging Amazon founder and billionaire Jeff Bezos to not return to Earth after he takes his maiden flight to space on July 20. Earlier this month, Bezos announced he will venture into space on board New Shephard, the rocket system developed by his space company Blue Origin.

The most popular petition has more than 39,000 signatures and it’s just increasing by the minute. “Billionaires’ should not exist…on earth, or in space, but should they decide the latter they should stay there,” said the description of the petition.

Creator of another petition, Jose Ortiz, suggested the upcoming spaceflight was a perfect opportunity to rid the world of the man he describes as an `evil overlord` and urges Blue Origin to stop the rocket returning to Earth.

The petition addressed to the Blue Origin is titled `Petition To Not Allow Jeff Bezos Re-Entry To Earth,` on the urges people to sign to keep him out, adding ‘The fate of humanity is in your hands’.

The petition compares Bezos to superman villain Lex Luthor. “Jeff Bezos is actually Lex Luthor, disguised as the supposed owner of a super successful online retail store,” read the petition, adding, he`s “actually an evil overlord hellbent on global domination.”

“We`ve known this for years. Jeff Bezos has worked with the Epsteins and the Knights Templar, as well as the Free Masons to gain control over the whole world. He`s also in bed with the flat earth deniers; it`s the only way they`ll allow him to leave the atmosphere. Meanwhile our government stands by and lets it happen. This may be our last chance before they enable the 5G microchips and perform a mass takeover,” the petitioners wrote.

Netizens are quite amused by this turn of events and are sharing the petitions, asking others to sign them.

Read here about Blue Origin