
Parliament passes Bill to allow abortion upto 24 weeks

The Rajya Sabha on Tuesday (March 16) passed a Bill that allows abortion up to 24 weeks “for special categories of women”, from the existing 20 weeks gestation period.

The passage of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2020 in Rajya Sabha would ensure an increase in the upper limit for abortions from 20 to 24 weeks. The bill also ensures that women get access to safe and legal abortion services on therapeutic, eugenic, humanitarian grounds.

“The bill will protect the dignity and rights of women,” tweeted Union health minister Harsh Vardhan following the passing of the bill.

Currently, abortion requires a mandatory opinion of one doctor if it is done within 12 weeks of conception and two doctors if it is done between 12 and 20 weeks. The new Act will allow abortion to be done on the advice of one doctor up to 20 weeks, and in case of up to 24 weeks, two doctors’ opinion will be sought. The Bill also provides setting up state-level medical boards to decide if a pregnancy needs to be terminated beyond 24 weeks in cases of foetal abnormalities.

The Bill was passed in the Lok Sabha in March last year. Some members of the upper house had opposed the passage and demanded the Bill be sent to a select committee. According to experts, there was a much-needed change in the abortion law.

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