
No More Waiting in Lines: PU students to get online fee deposit facility from next session


From the next academic session, no student of Panjab University will have to stand in queue to deposit the semester fee, as the authorities are coming up with an online fee deposit facility for them. The authorities have decided that from 2020, all students who have already taken admission in various departments of the university can pay the fees online. Moreover, online fee deposit will be available to the students who appeared in competitive examinations and have taken admission in PU-affiliated colleges also.

At present, there are a few departments at the campus and some hostels which allow students top deposit the fees to the bank accounts of the departments and hostels. However, the departments are further depositing the fee in cash to the authorities. There are 75 departments in the campus and 196 colleges affiliated to the Panjab University.

Karamjit Singh, registrar of Panjab University, while confirming the decision, said that at present, only new students are availing the facility of online fee deposit. He said the university has already tied up with the bank and a final agreement will be done before the commencement of the next academic session so that all students can avail it. He said that it was a long-pending demand which students of the campus were raising and this time, it would be executed by the authorities.

He added that the idea was to give the facility to students to deposit their fee 24*7 as they are allowed to fill their admission forms. He said the project was in final stages and would be introduce before the next session to facilitate the students.

Officials at the campus said that the campus students in various departments have to stand in long queues of a single bank from where demand drafts can be generated to deposit the fee. After merger of banks by the Centre, there are a large numbers of customers whose accounts have been shifted to the bank in campus, due to which the campus branch sees a huge rush, affecting the in-house students. They used to stand in long queues and miss their lectures in order to deposit their fees on time.

There are more than 14 lakh students enrolled with the PU in various departments.