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MPs’ committee recommends allowing worship at ASI sites

The Parliamentary Committee on Transport, Tourism and Culture, in its report submitted to Rajya Sabha Chairman Venkaiah Naidu today, recommended allowing religious rituals at sites declared as “protected monuments” by the Archeologiocal Survey of India (ASI).The committee headed by BJP RS member TG Venkatesh felt several historical monuments across the country held immense religious significance to a large number of people and allowing worship/certain religious activities at such monuments can fulfil legitimate aspirations of the people.

“The committee, therefore, recommends that the ASI may explore the possibility of permitting puja/worship/religious activities at centrally protected monuments of religious significance, subject to the condition that it can be established that such activities will not have any detrimental effect on the state of conservation and preservation of the monument,” said the 328th report on “Issues Related to Untracable Monuments and Protections of Monuments in India”.