
MoHUA approves proposals worth ₹28.5 crores submitted by the UT for remediating 7.7 lakh MT of waste in Daddumajra dumpsite

Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs has approved proposals worth ₹28.5 crores submitted by the UT for remediating 7.7 lakh MT of waste in Daddumajra dumpsite. This initiative is set to give residents of Chandigarh respite from diseases and the foul smell of garbage and will ensure that the city is on its way to remediate its legacy waste and become 5-Star Garbage Free in the coming period of time.

For decades, the city’s waste would travel to the Daddumajra dumpsite which is now estimated to hold around 7.7 lakh MT of legacy waste. As part of Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban 2.0, the UT has pledged to achieve ‘Lakshya Zero Dumpsites’ within the Mission period and has undertaken the challenge of remediating the 7.7 lakh (MT) of legacy waste lying across 8 acres of land as part of the Daddumajra dumpsite. The land captured by Chandigarh’s largest and only dumpsite is valued at around ₹80 crores and efforts are now underway to completely remediate the dumpsite and provide a healthier future to the residents of the city.