
Missed wedding day, soldier to get home tomorrow


Family members of the soldier who missed his wedding on January 16 due inclement weather in Kashmir, where he is posted, are expecting him to get home on Tuesday.

With consent from the bride’s side, their marriage will be solemnized on a different date in Khair village of Dharampur sub-division.

According to his family, Suneel Kumar was contacted on Sunday when he informed about his most probable arrival on Tuesday. Suneel’s elder brother Vicky Kumar said on January 16, the marriage procession was ready to leave, but his brother could not make it due to heavy snowfall in Kashmir.

“Once Suneel is home, we will fix another date Muhurat for the wedding,” Vicky said.

He said Suneel’s wedding leave had to start from January 1 and he had reached the transit camp at Bandipora a few days ago, but all roads were blocked due to snow and he could not reach the airport in Srinagar. The barat was supposed to leave for Daled village of Ladbhadol area of Mandi district, but it was postponed after Suneel failed get home, Vicky said.