The Punjab MLAs and the Ministers on Tuesday rose in unison to express heartiest gratitude to the Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi for his recent path breaking decisions aimed at the welfare of every section of the society. These leaders especially thanked the CM Channi for his bold initiatives in terms of deciding to convene a Special session of the State Assembly on November 8 for termination of the three black agricultural laws enacted by the Union Government apart from the recent notification of the Union Government extending the jurisdiction of BSF to 50 Kms in border areas of Punjab. In a meeting here at the Punjab Bhawan, the Ministers and the MLAs unanimously lauded the recent decisions of the State Cabinet led by the Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi with regard to terminating the Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), waiving off the arrears on the power bills of consumers with 2 Kw load, free power to all Rural Water Supply (RWS), slashing service charges on all RWS schemes by 70% from Rs.166 to Rs.50 per household per month in the villages worth 440 crores, Domestic power tariff reduced by Rs. 3, 11 percent hike in DA as Diwali bonanza to the employees, proprietary rights to all the urban and rural properties falling within Lal Lakir and doing away with 40000 VAT related cases thus bringing major respite to the industrial community. Prominent present in the meeting included AICC Punjab Incharge Mr. Harish Chaudhary, PPCC President Navjot Singh Sidhu, Cabinet Ministers Manpreet Singh Badal, Tript Rajinder Singh Bajwa, Mrs. Aruna Chaudhry, Vijay Inder Singla, Randeep Singh Nabha, Paragt Singh, Amrinder Singh Raja Warring, Gurkirat Singh Kotli, MP Dr. Amar Singh and Mohd. Sadiq and PPCC Working Presidents Kuljit Singh Nagra and Pawan Goyal and MLAs of the Congress party.
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