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Microsoft study: 41% Indians face burnout at work

Workers in India are facing increased burnout due to lack of separation between work and personal life as well as concerns of contracting Covid-19, according to Microsoft’s latest Work Trend Index report released on Wednesday.

Surveying over 6,000 information and first-line workers across eight countries including Australia, Japan, India and Singapore, the Microsoft study found that India had the second highest percentage of workers facing increased burnout in Asia at 29%.

India came out top with over 41% workers citing the lack of separation between work and personal life as negatively impacting their well-being, resulting in increased stress levels.

The report showed that top stressors shared by workers in India was the worry about contracting Covid-19 at work and feeling isolated or disconnected from co-workers at 42% and 35%, respectively.

The study also found that 19% workers have not been provided the tech or protective equipment by their company to effectively socially distance, contributing to increased stress levels.