sensor chips

MC to install sensor chips in all its vehicles to reduce chances of petrol theft

Chandigarh Municipal Corporation (MC) is planning to install electronic sensor chips in its vehicles to track information regarding petrol/diesel consumption. This chip will be connected to a server that will track the amount of petrol/diesel, kilometres covered by the vehicle and all other information.

This way, chances of diesel being stolen will reduce from the government vehicles. Sensor chips have been installed in 460 of the 500 vehicles owned by the MC.

Moreover, in July last year, an employee of the Horticulture Department was caught pouring oil in a personal vehicle from the warehouse, which was captured on a video. The person concerned was suspended when the video went viral. 

Corporation Commissioner KK Yadav said that there were many complaints of petrol/diesel theft. “Apart from this, the employees did not reach the destinations of work and made excuses for lack of petrol/diesel. This caused inconvenience to the people, as well as to the work of the corporation. To get rid of this problem, it has been decided to install this sensor chips in all vehicles,” he said. 

The MC has a total of 500 vehicles, including 255 in the MOH department, 48 in the fire department, 60 in the public health department, 42 in the B&R department, 63 in the horticulture and electrical department and 32 in the commissioner’s office. The corporation has installed sensors in 460 vehicles. The work of putting sensors on the remaining vehicles is on. 

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