
Karnataka’s mask advisory for seniors as Covid cases rise in neighbouring Kerala

Karnataka’s Minister for Health and Family Welfare Dinesh Gundu Rao on Monday advised senior citizens and those with comorbidities to wear masks. His remarks came after a rise in Covid-19 cases in Kerala and other states.Speaking to reporters in Karnataka’s Kodagu, the health minister said that there is no need to panic. He said, “We held a meeting yesterday where we discussed what steps should be taken. We’ll issue an advisory soon. Those who are over 60 years of age and those who have heart problems, and have comorbidities must wear masks.”

“We have asked government hospitals to be prepared. Regions that share a border with Kerala must be more alert. Mangalore, Chamanajnagar and Kodagu must be alert. Testing will be increased. Those who have respiratory issues will have to mandatorily undergo tests,” he added.