Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), has launched three new online courses for undergraduate and post-graduate students. The duration of the courses will be of seven to twelve days.
The courses can be taken by undergraduate and postgraduate students studying in any year, technical or scientific staff of central or state government, and faculty and researchers working at universities or institutions. To participate in the programme, the interested organisations, universities, departments, or institutes have to identify a coordinator at their end who will be responsible for registering their organisation as the nodal centre on the IIRS website as well as approve participants from their institute.
Designed by ISRO, these three courses — Geographical Information System, Geocomputation, and Geoweb services– will be conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), a part of ISRO.
According to ISRO, participants can register for one of the programmes of their choice or enrol for all the available courses.

Free Courses offered by ISRO:
The first course — Geographical Information System, has been designed to introduce students to geographic phenomena, concepts, and examples and is scheduled from September 28 to October 15, 2020. The course duration is for four weeks.
The second course — Basics of Geocomputation and Geoweb Services is an introductory course on Geocomputation and will be held for 2-weeks from October 19 to October 29, 2020.
The last course — Remote Sensing and GIS Applications would teach concepts including applications of remote sensing, GIS applications for crop resource assessment and remote sensing applications for geological studies. It begins on November 2 and ends on November 20, 2020.
You can register here for the courses: