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ISIS Khursan storm Gurdwara Karte Parwan, take hostages

Reports have emerged from Kabul–assailants belonging to ISIS Khursan–having entered Gurdwara Karte Parwan, in the capital of Afghanistan on Saturday morning.Afghanistan-origin Sikhs living in the national capital, said they have received calls from Gurnam Singh, president, Gurdwara Karte Parwan, informing them about the attack.

Manjinder Singh Sirsa of the BJP said he has spoken to Gurnam Singh who informed him that the incident occurred at 6 am local time when a granthi was going inside the gurdawara for morning ‘parkash’ of the Guru Granth Sahib. ‘Parkash’ is the first prayer in any gurdwara.

The armed terrorists carried out blasts and the place of worship is under seige, at present.Reports also say “hostages on the second floor of the gurdwara”.It’s still not clear how many have died, said Sirsa.