
Inspection spree: Transport dept impounded five more buses of private operators

Maintaining its momentum of inspection against the tax defaulter private bus operators in the state, the Transport Department today impounded 5 more buses of private companies plying without tax in district Ferozepur.

While giving details, Assistant Transport Officer (ATO) Mr. Pardeep Singh Dhillon said that the flying squad of Regional Transport Authority, Ferozepur has found these five buses operating without tax during the checking of documents. These included; two buses of New Deep, one each of Nagpal Bus Service, Raj and Jujhar bus service.

Reiterating commitment to ensure transparent and efficacious system in the transport department, Transport Minister Amarinder Singh Raja Warring said that whoever is on default or not paying taxes will not be spared and strict action will be taken against all the defaulters. @Picture for representional purpose.