
Industries department to relook into Industry Policy 2015 in Chandigarh

A meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Kirron Kher, Member of Parliament today to discuss some crucial agendas like the conversion of leasehold Industrial and Commercial properties as well as residential property into freehold, examination of possibility of framing clusters of industry activity, issue of FAR and allotment of land for cultural purpose.

A committee of Deputy Commissioner-cum- Estate Officer, Chief Executive Officer, CHB, Assistant Estate Officer, Estate Officer MC and Estate Officer CHB i.e. Secretary CHB is constituted to give report to committee by next meeting so that appropriate and rationale decision can be taken. This committee has been formed as per the orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court by Justice Hemant Gupta and Justice V Ramasubramanian.

It was decided that Industries department will relook into Industry Policy 2015 so that all allowed enterprises under MSME Act 2006 may also be allowed to work in Industrial Area Chandigarh. The Industrial department will plan for cluster of industries with backward and forward linkage so that Industrial hub can be created in Chandigarh.It was further decided that the Estate Office will relook into the issue of compoundable/sanctionable building violation. It was recommended that window should be given for submission of building plan during which there shall be no penalties. It was discussed that formula of FAR to be re-examined so that rational rates be charged for enhancing FAR.The issue of building violation/ misuse was also discussed at length and MP Kirron Kher directed that rational rates be formulated/ fixed so that people/owner/ occupation will not be over-burdened. Further, it was decided that policy for allotment of land for socio-cultural activities should also be formed.