
India slams Wang Yi on his J&K comments at Islamabad OIC meet

On the eve of Chinese Foreign Minister’s visit here, India has taken strong umbrage to Minister Wang Yi’s uncharitable remarks on Kashmir during his address to the OIC conference in Islamabad today.

Not the one to take things lying down, the Narendra Modi government made it clear that Jammu and Kashmir was entirely internal affairs of India and that other OIC countries plus China had no locus standi to comment. It also reminded China and OIC countries that India refrains from public judgement on their internal issues. A warning that this status may change in future.

“We reject the uncalled reference to India by the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi during his speech at the Opening Ceremony,” said Indian spokesman this evening. Minister Wang is arriving in India tomorrow for a two day exploratory visit with the objective of putting the derailed bilateral ties back on rails. At the OIC meeting, Wang said : “On Kashmir, we have heard again today the calls of many of our Islamic friends. And China shares the same hope.” The statement by Minister Wang was open-ended and effectively offered support to all that was spoken on Jammu and Kashmir by the OIC foreign ministers.