The Board in its 424th meeting, held under the Chairmanship of Dharam Pal, IAS, Adviser to Administrator and Chairman of Chandigarh Housing Board, after detailed deliberations has taken decisions including, the allotment of all those allottees who’s residential units were cancelled due to Building Violations and their appeals are pending before the Board to be restored on completion of (a.) Removal of all those building violations by 31st December 2021 because of which the allotment was cancelled and (b.) Payment of applicable revival/restoration charges.
For further need based changes in the residential units of Chandigarh Housing Board, a committee under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Chandigarh Housing Board has been constituted comprising members of concerned Departments of the Chandigarh Administration. During the process, the Committee may consult the nominated members of the Board, RWAs and other stake-holders for some innovative solutions. The report of the Committee to be placed before the Board for consideration and appropriate decisions.
The engineering cost estimate of Rs. 643.64 crore for the General Housing Scheme at RGCTP has been approved in principle. Tentative cost of the flats will be worked out after approval of the PAC (Upper) for the detailed drawings and a separate detailed agenda to be brought before the Board, prior to launch of the Scheme. Thereafter, a brochure of the scheme to be drafted as per the existing rules/regulations. It was also decided that the 40 vacant posts of clerks in the Chandigarh Housing Board to be filled through direct recruitment through a fair & transparent process. The existing ceiling of Medical Reimbursement to the retired employees of Chandigarh Housing Board is enhanced from Rs. 50,000/- per annum to Rs. 1,00,000/- per annum. The financial implications of Medical Group Insurance Policy for the employees of the Chandigarh Housing Board to be ascertained and to be compared with the financial implications of the present system of re-imbursement. Thereafter, the matter to be placed before the Board again to take a view about rational of switching over to Medical Group Insurance Policy.
The staff quarters for the employees of the Chandigarh Housing Board to be renovated on the lines of improvement specifications of the houses of the Chandigarh Administration. The reserve price of the Vacant Units on Lease-Hold basis to be reduced as under for the next e-Tenders (a. Commercial Units on Lease-Hold Basis : by 20percent and Residential Units on Lease-Hold Basis : by 10 percent). Dharam Pal, Adviser to Administrator and Chairman of Chandigarh Housing Board, stated that the market in Sector-61(Kajheri) where all the commercial units are lying vacated need to be got assessed from some experts for exploring different options. Since the whole market is lying unsold for more than 20 years, we need to re-visit the whole plan and there may be many options like converting it either in a single plot or to re-develop it as office-complex etc.