hockey india

Hockey India calls applications for online coaching course for coaches/potential coaches ‘Basic’ & Level ‘1’

Hockey India (HI) on Wednesday announced that it will conduct the HI Coaching Education Pathway Level ‘Basic’ coaching course through the virtual medium and interested applicants can enrol via the open forum.

This course is targeted at coaches/potential coaches who have not attended any HI Level ‘Basic’ & Level ‘1’ Coaching Course in the past.

“After the successful organisation of the Coaching Education Pathway Level ‘Basic’ Coaching Course (online) in September/October, Hockey India has once again called for applications of interested and aspiring coaches to apply through an open forum and only 70 slots will be available for the online course, which will be held on December 22 and 23.”

Candidates have to submit their application before December 18. “Candidates will be chosen through a first-cum-first-serve basis and minimum criteria to apply requires an applicant to have coached either a district, school or university hockey team for at least three years or he/she should have played national level/All India University level for at least three years,” it said.

Candidates who successfully pass the HI Level ‘Basic’ Coaching Course would become eligible to attend the Level ‘1’ Coaching Course in the future. There is no participation fee to attend the Level ‘Basic’ Coaching Course (Online). Only those candidates who successfully complete the Level ‘1’ Coaching Course will be provided the necessary certification. Once a candidate progresses from the HI Coaching Education Pathway Levels, they are then eligible to enrol for the FIH Academy Level 1 Course, and so on.

“The course will certainly help the candidates understand the basics of hockey coaching properly and lay down a strong foundation for themselves before they move on to higher levels of the Hockey India Coaching Education Pathway,” said Gyanendro Ningombam, President, Hockey India. Since the launch of HI Coaching Education Pathway in 2019, over 700 coaches from across India have benefitted from the programme which is a simplified education structure that consists of a combination of web-based modules and face-to-face interactive courses which helps the coaches in progressing to higher levels.