
Hindu jatha cancels pilgrimage to Katas Raj

The Kendrya Sanatan Dharam Sabha (KSDS) cancelled its jatha for Katas Raj cluster of temples in Pakistan via Attari land border due to delay in granting visa reports.

They blamed the Centre for hurting the religious sentiments of Hindus.

KSDS president Shiv Partap Bajaj alleged that the ministry of external affairs delayed in sending the list of pilgrimage aspirants to Pakistan High Commission, which led to a delay in securing their visas and forced the organisation to cancel its jatha.

“About a month ago we had sent a list of people who had applied for visa to visit Pakistan but the ministry delayed in clearing the names and sent the list to Pakistan High Commission just on the eve of our visit to Pakistan,” claimed Bajaj, adding that in absence of any confirmation from the government they were not able to assure the pilgrims about their visit. The jatha was scheduled to leave for Pakistan on December 23. The Hindus were to celebrate Mokshda Ekadashi and Shri Gita Jayanti Utsav besides taking a holy bath in the pond of Katasraj’s cluster of temples. They were also scheduled to celebrate ‘Utsav’ of Sri Lav Maharaja Samadhi and Sri Krishana ji at Lahore on December 25 and 28, respectively, before coming back on December 29.